Monthly Archives: October 2009

Professor David Llewlyn Explained All IPRs in One Hour

IP Dragon was attending yesterday evening the very inspiring lecture of Professor David Llewelyn at the University of Hong Kong, about the importance of intellectual property rights for not only experts, but everybody. Professor Llewelyn made clear that the lecture … Continue reading

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“Games on iPhone Are 50-90 Percent Pirated”

Simon Carless of Gamasutra wrote that Vice-President Alan Yu of game developer ngmoco:) said at the GDC in Shanghai that “iPhone game piracy is a big issue, with 50%-90% piracy estimated in the first week of release on Ngmoco games.“ … Continue reading

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Professor Llewelyn Asks Rhetorical Question About IPRs: “Too Important to Leave to the Lawyers?”

Tonight, IP Dragon is looking forward to attend the lecture of Professor David Llewelyn about the relevancy of Intellectual Property Rights for everybody. “As Premier Wen Jiabao has been saying since 2004, world competition in the 21st century will revolve … Continue reading

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Chinese Counterfeit ICs Sold To US Navy. How To Identify Them?

With the Somalian pirates hijacking ships (a Chinese container carrier fell into their hands), key words such as “piracy” and “pirates” seem to be reclaimed by the old fashioned thugs. Read here. However, the newer version of the pirates: trademark … Continue reading

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ASEAN-China: IPR Cooperation and Standard MOUs

The Association of East Asian Nations (ASEAN) which includes Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalem, Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR and Viet Nam will meet in Hua Hin, Thailand, from October 23 to 25. The ASEAN, ASEAN + 1 (ASEAN … Continue reading

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Russia to China: Kalashnikov’s Copyright Should Be Protected

Topix reports that Russia and China are trying to reach an agreement on copyright protection of the Kalashnikov, the world famous assault rifle. Read here. More about the most famous Kalashnikov the AK-47 here.

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Massive Chinese Copyright Trade at Frankfurt Book Fair

“Die Chinesen sind da,” (“The Chinese are there”, in German) was the motto of the biggest book fair in the world: the Frankfurter Buchmesse (October 6-10, 2009). China was Guest of Honour and the Chinese book publishers did show themselves … Continue reading

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IPR/Espionage Ping-Pong Case: Fiat Sues Great Wall, Great Wall Sues Fiat

Fiat sued Great Wall, because it alleges that the Great Wall Peri infringes the intellectal property rights of the FIAT Panda. After this Great Wall sued FIAT at the Shijiazhuang People’s Court, based on “evidence” provided by FIAT to the … Continue reading

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USCC 2008 Report to Congress: From Visible IPR Infringements To Undectable Cyber Espionage

The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission came up with their 2008 Report to Congress. The conclusion includes: “China continues to violate its WTO commitments to avoid trade distorting measures. Among the trade-related situations in China that are counter to … Continue reading

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China Written Works Copyright Society Objects Google Settlement

The China Written Works Copyright Society, representing 570 Chinese authors, objects to be included in the Google Class Action Settlement, between Google and US authors and publishers. They claim that the copyright of the Chinese authors is infringed. Read Elaine … Continue reading

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20th Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade Between China and US

China and the US will hold their 20th Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT) in Hangzhou (Zhejiang province) on October 29th 2009. The first JCCT was established in 1983 as a forum for the two countries to discuss trade … Continue reading

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Economic Espionage Case Against Suspects Allegedly Sponsored By China

The time that the Russians were the only bad guys in James Bond movies or John le Carré books is over. Jaikumar Vijayan has written an interesting article for Computerworld called ‘Trial set to begin in economic espionage case involving … Continue reading

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IPR Challenges in Geely-Ford Talks About Volvo

Keith Naughton and Cathy Chan wrote about the effort of Geely to buy Volvo of Ford jeopardized because of intellectual property rights related challenges, read the Reuters article here. The struggle about IPRs comes in the wake of “the FBI’s … Continue reading

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Professor Peter K. Yu General Editor of WIPO Journal: Analysis and Debate of Intellectual Property Issues

There is a new peer reviewed IPR journal: WIPO Journal, a platform for the global IP debate. The prolific Professor Peter K. Yu, will be its general editor and specialist for China and the United States. I am looking forward … Continue reading

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Gartner Predicts 2012 Software Piracy in China Will Fall To 50 Percent

Kelvin Soh and Melanie Lee report that “Gartner estimated that software piracy rates in mainland China would fall as low as 50 percent by 2012, putting it almost on a par with rates in developed Asian markets like Hong Kong. … Continue reading

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Revolutionary Lessons For China From Michael Carrier’s Book ‘Innovation for the 21st Century’

‘Innovation for the 21st Century, Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law’ by Michael A. Carrier. Oxford University Press. Professor Michael Carrier of Rutgers University School of Law, wrote an excellent book about intellectual property rights (IPR) law … Continue reading

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Sweet Irony: Is IP Dragon Liable For Hosting IPR Infringing AdWords?

Law is often walking a few steps behind the developments in society. I propose the term “law lag”, whereby I apply the “cultural lag” concept developed by Thorstein Veblen to law. Of course intellectual property and cyberlaw are not immune … Continue reading

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Murdoch, Procrustus and the WTO Copyright Cases

October 12, Sky Canaves of the Wall Street Journal has an article about Rupert Murdoch who is urging China to enforce copyright piracy and open up its market for copyrighted products. See here (or on page 8 of the printed … Continue reading

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Is Coffee-Mate a Generic Term for Coffee?

Stan Abrams over at China Hearsay is posing a question mark whether Coffee-Mate in Chinese is a generic term and therefore diluting the trademark of Nestlé. See the China Hearsay article which is not devoid of humour here.

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