September 11, 2008 IP Dragon published ‘China’s National IP Strategy 2008: Feasible Commitments or Road to Nowhere Paved With Good Intentions.’ To “popularise” and to keep those interested in the progress of China in implementing its National IP Strategy a website was launched on June 5th, see here (Chinese).
The site has 10 main categories:
- Important news;
- Media viewpoint;
- National strategy;
- Ministry developments;
- Regional strategy;
- Industry strategy;
- IPR protection;
- International developments;
- Strategy research;
- Strategy special.
Below I summarise the first article in the category ‘Important news’:
Li Changchun (a Politburo politician at the Standing Committee): ‘Cultural Industries Are the Resource for Intellectual Property Rights Output’. June 16th, 2010, Mr Li’s article ‘Correctly understanding and handling the cultural construction and development efforts to the relationship between a number of aspects of major socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and the path of development.
Mr Li understands that by developing Chinese culture new intellectual property rights will be created. This will involve many jobs, for which no plants are needed nor land. For this the relationship between culture and intellectual property must be researched. Also the relationship between culture and economy; culture and technology must be correctly understood. And the relationship between domestic and foreign culture. “Foreign culture must be actively absorbed.“
Read the full article here in Chinese.